Monday, June 22, 2009

First one!

So welcome to the 21st century-I guess I should welcome myself really. I'm Paul-this is my blog. Everyone else seems to get some space in the world-and this is mine. My life is...well sometimes it's dull, let's face it. Sometimes it reminds me of an I Love Lucy episode (I'm never Lucy-usually Ethel.) Sometimes sad, sometimes angry, almost always opinionated-it's just me.

I got this blog because in just under two short days I am going on a road trip-all by my lone self-and I wanted a way to share my thoughts and what I see along the way with everyone. So here I am! After my trip is over (which is about three weeks long) I'm planning a pretty decent change in life. I'm 30-maybe that's the new midlife-I don't know-but I'm leaving Boston for the Big Apple. It's a little cliche I guess, but it's actually scary as hell-but something I want to, and need to do. I've loved the time after college that I have been in Boston, and met literally hundreds of outstanding people-but a VERY wise man once taught me to take the gifts and skills I have and share them with as many people as I can. I think I've done that here-at least I hope I have. Not that I think I can do in NYC what I do up here-I should be so lucky-but I'm diving in-head first. Hey, I almost moved all the way down to Miami...then I realized the Golden Girls don't really live there.

So I'm going to try to be good about this whole blog thing-posting along the way-and after the trip ends as well. I'll figure out how to post videos and audio clips-it will be all multimedia. I don't know how long that will take me. Technology nowadays...

Welcome to my life-I hope you enjoy it. I know sometimes it makes me smile and laugh...that's all I really want.

1 comment:

  1. You can add pictures and videos directly into your post. Another option for sharing your videos is to create a youtube account. I look forward to all this multimedia. =)
